Form Validation

Here is another example for form validation. We are using a function to loop through all of the form objects and to take appropriate action if a mandatory field is not completed. While this version of the example is targeting Acrobat/Reader version 8.1, it also uses the propagate event, which is not actually available in [...]

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Print if form passes validation

This example uses the validationState event and the cancelAction property so requires Acrobat/Reader v9 or above. Download: Assure Dynamics Print if validation passes

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Validating on the preSave event

This example fires the execValidate() on the preSave event. If required fields are null, then a warning is displayed. Note that for this example we have not used some of the new features, such as validationState event or the cancelAction method. Therefore it should work satisfactorily in earlier versions of Acrobat/Reader. Download: Assure Dynamics Validate [...]

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