Building dynamic tables

This example works through the steps in building a dynamic table. It includes screen shots and scripts that are necessary. It also shows how to organise your objects into flowed and positioned subforms. Download: Assure Dynamics Building dynamic tables

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Duplicating table data

This example looks at two options for removing null rows before printing. The first uses the presence property, whereas the second duplicates the non-null rows to a new table. Download: Assure Dynamics Duplicate table data if not null

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Extending an addInstance Script

This example extends an addInstance script, to allow the user select which of the existing rows they want to copy into the new instance. Download: Assure Dynamics Extending addInstance

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Looping through repeating rows

This example demonstrates how to set up a loop to look at each row in a repeating table. Have a look at the script in the exit event of the Quantity field. This looks at the VAT code on each row and completes the VAT analysis for all of the selected items in the table. [...]

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Populating dynamic tables

This example demonstrates one method to populate repeating rows in a dynamic table. The user selects a choice from a dropdown and related data is inserted into the table. I have update this example, so that the uppermost row does not have an Up button. Similarly the last row does not have a Down button. Download: Assure [...]

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