Limiting the number of checkboxes that can be ticked

This example limits the user to ticking a maximum of two checkboxes out of any of the five available. The script tracks the value of the five checkboxes (1/0) and if this is equal to 2, then it sets the access property of the checkboxes to readOnly. Download: Assure Dynamics Keeping track of checkboxes ticked

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Linking dropdowns using global binding

This example looks at how you can link dropdown using global binding, the display items and the bound items. Quick and simple, with no scripting. Download: Assure Dynamics Linked dropdown lists

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Making fields dynamic

This example shows how to set up fields that change as the user interacts with your form. Download: Assure Dynamics Making fields dynamic (Rev 2)

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Null patterns for text fields and other objects

This example demonstrates a number of different applications for null patterns in form objects. This is where a field without a inputted value can display a default message. Note that having the full caption in the value area is not best practice. This is because as soon as the user clicks into the field the null pattern [...]

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Populating dropdowns

This example shows how to use the preOpen event in a dropdown. This is the ideal event to use when dynamically setting the items that are available in the dropdown list. The script can be set to look at the values of other objects in the form and then populate the dropdown list based on these values. [...]

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Resetting Rich Text Fields

A problem exists in earlier versions of Acrobat/Reader when using rich text fields within an XFA Form. If the user deletes text from a rich text field; saves the form; and then closes it; when they reopen the form the original text will be restored to the rich text field. This is obviously not ideal [...]

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Script to change the focus

This example demonstrates that script can be developed to change the focus of the current field based on events. While this can be achieved using fairly straightforward script, it is probably not the best approach. This is because the user may not be aware that the focus has changed, whilst in the process of inputting [...]

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Showing and hiding pages

This example demonstrates the presence property. Objects can be set to ‘visible’ and ‘hidden’. The hidden value has an advantage over ‘invisible’, as it excludes the object from the form, thus allowing other objects to take its space. This requires the form to be saved as a Dynamic XML form. Download: Assure Dynamics Show and [...]

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SOM Expressions

This is a dynamic demonstration of SOM expressions. There is a full description here. Download: Assure Dynamics SOM Expressions (v4)

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Splitting an object’s rawValue into an array

This example demonstrates how you can specify values for an object (in this case a dropdown) and then subsequently split the rawValue into an array. The script is generic and can handle specified values with different number of variables. Please review the Object > Binding palette to see the format of the specified values for the dropdown. [...]

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Tabbing order

The final tabbing order, to a large extent, is affected by the relative x/y coordinates of objects. This example explores tabbing issues. Download: Assure Dynamics Tabbing Order

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Two column layout

In a previous example we look at situations where you may want to have columns of text that keep their relative position on the page, as they overflow onto a new page. See here. In this example we have a flowed page layout with two content areas on the Master Page (column1 on the left [...]

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