SOM Expressions
This is a dynamic demonstration of SOM expressions. There is a full description here. Download: Assure Dynamics SOM Expressions (v4)
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Splitting an object’s rawValue into an array
This example demonstrates how you can specify values for an object (in this case a dropdown) and then subsequently split the rawValue into an array. The script is generic and can handle specified values with different number of variables. Please review the Object > Binding palette to see the format of the specified values for the dropdown. [...]
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Tabbing order
The final tabbing order, to a large extent, is affected by the relative x/y coordinates of objects. This example explores tabbing issues. Download: Assure Dynamics Tabbing Order
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Two column layout
In a previous example we look at situations where you may want to have columns of text that keep their relative position on the page, as they overflow onto a new page. See here. In this example we have a flowed page layout with two content areas on the Master Page (column1 on the left [...]
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