Exploring master pages and content areas
This example shows the importance of setting up the master page(s) and content area(s) correctly. If includes screen shots highlighting the key areas that you need to be familiar with. Download: Assure Dynamics Master Page and Content Area
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Laying out form objects
This example highlights some of the main considerations when placing objects in a form. Page 2 includes some bonus scripts for changing the visual appearance of the objects, as the user interacts with the form. Download: Assure Dynamics Layout Form Objects (Rev 1)
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Limiting the number of checkboxes that can be ticked
This example limits the user to ticking a maximum of two checkboxes out of any of the five available. The script tracks the value of the five checkboxes (1/0) and if this is equal to 2, then it sets the access property of the checkboxes to readOnly. Download: Assure Dynamics Keeping track of checkboxes ticked
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Linking dropdowns using global binding
This example looks at how you can link dropdown using global binding, the display items and the bound items. Quick and simple, with no scripting. Download: Assure Dynamics Linked dropdown lists
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Making fields dynamic
This example shows how to set up fields that change as the user interacts with your form. Download: Assure Dynamics Making fields dynamic (Rev 2)
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