Custom dropdown lists
This example shows how you can set up a standard dropdown list to allow searching and filtering of the items. The technique requires two small changes to the standard dropdown. Set the dropdown to allow custom text entry. Include a short script in the enter event of the dropdown, to open the list when the [...]
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Deploying forms in Acrobat and Reader
This is a summary of deployment options before you send your form out. Download: Assure Dynamics LiveCycle Forms in Acrobat and Reader
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Expanding objects in flowed subforms
This example demonstrates how to group dynamic objects in flowed subforms and objects that do not grow inside positioned subforms. Download: Assure Dynamics Expanding objects in flowed subforms
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Expanding textfields maintaining horizontal position
This example shows you how to set up expanding textfields that will maintain their relative horizontal/x position, as they expand onto a new page. While you would normally place expanding objects in a Flowed subform, in this case you wrap the textfields in a Positioned subform, but set its height to Auto-fit. An alternative would [...]
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Explore the differences between positioned and flowed
This example just looks at how objects behave when in a positioned or flowed subform. The subform type indicates how the objects inside it will behave. Download: Assure Dynamics Positioned v Flowed Subforms
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